Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things are Going Smoothly: Baby 34, Part 1

 I bought these new swings for the babies and toddlers. Tate didn't like them very much, though.
 Calista, however, was a beaming little ball of sunshine. She loved the swings, although she threw up a lot after using them for too long. (notice I used the bluish swing just for you Calista Smith!)
 She was always throwing her hands up in the air and laughing. It was so cute!
 Matthew on the other hand loved to sleep in them. He refused to sleep in his crib. Only in these swings would he ever even think about falling asleep.
 I went over to turn the swinging mode on when

 Tate started crying up a storm.
 I went over to him and tried to make him feel better. "It's okay, Tate!" I exclaimed. "Ooooh! The swing is fun! THE SWING IS FUN!"
 I didn't do a very good job at making him feel better, as you can probably guess.
 I finally got sick of his dang crying so I picked him up. "Fine!" I yelled. "You don't like the swing!? You don't need to use the swing! You can be in my boring arms, doing nothing but sitting there BORED!" Okay, so, maybe I got a little carried away, but you would too if you bought something for someone assuming they're going to love it and they HATE it!
 When I sat down to watch TV, he immediately calmed down.
 When I stood back up again, though, he cried his little butt off.
 He finally fell asleep so I stuck him back in the swing so I could have some mommy time.
 I walked over to my new massage chair that I bought and turned it onto "deluxe foot massage."
 It was great! It was so much fun and it was extremely relaxing! I almost peed my pants multiple times! Not that you wanted to know that...
 "Tttttthis iiiiiiis ggggggreat!" I managed to get out as the chair shook me.

 Both Tate and I fell asleep in the chairs that rocks and massages you.
 Birthdays came quickly as they always do! Mason grew up to be a real looker, although a bald looker! He grew out of that phase where he always had to wear the tux, which means no more money on dry cleaning!
 Derek grew up the same as Mason; extremely hot. If these two didn't have girlfriends, man, girls from all over town would be constantly asking them out!
 Jackson... is evil. He's constantly stealing candy from the twins and gets delight from other people's pain. Don't you think it's a little strange that he's a Christmas baby but he's pure evil?
 Matthew is great! He and his father have a great relationship and he wants to grow up to be as good at the drums as Jack! He usually shuts himself in the basement and cranks the music up so loud you can't even hear yourself think. I allow him to do it, but only from 12:00 in the afternoon to 7:00 at night and then he has to be done which makes him really mad...
Calista is ADORABLE! I love this red girl to death! Her hair has to be tied up in cute little buns 24/7 or she throws a fit! (again, notice the blue, Calista Smith, I did it just for you) She LOVES the swings and LOVES her twin to death!
 Tate is such a sweetie, but he still doesn't enjoy the swings all that much...

 I saw Jackson being such a sweetie to Calista, it made me so happy! "Good Job, Jackson!" I praised from the computer.
"Yep, thanks mom!" he said back happily.
 But a few seconds later, I heard crying. When I looked back, I saw him holding the lollipop I gave Calista earlier in the day for pottying like I wanted her too.

 I made Jackson teach Tate his skills as a punishment.
 Tate wasn't so sure about this mean boy because he had seen what had happened with Calista.
 While he did that, I taught Calista her skills, too.
 Just look at that cute face! You know you can't resist it!
 When I came downstairs I saw Matthew dancing to his crazy loud music. I backed away so I could give him so privacy. He enjoyed dancing but only when he was alone.
 To occupy my time since the basement was "off limits" I potty trained Calista the rest of the way.
 After which she wanted the swing. "Mama! Mama! I want swing! I want swing! SWING!"
"Okay Calista, I'll put you in the swing," I said, plopping her red butt in it.
 "Tanks mama," she said in her shy baby voice. "Turn on music?" she asked timidly.
"Of course baby," I said, rubbing her cheek happily.
 As I turned it on, I realized that I need some more relaxation time.
 To the chair it was!
 Calista eventually fell asleep in the swing. She kept mumbling things like, "No teddy bear! Not the ice cream! I wanted to EAT that!"
 I eventually fell asleep, too, mumbling things like, "No crazy, rabid dinosaur! Not the massage chair! I wanted to USE that!"
 When Tate started crying, I decided to try out the swing again. I quickly turned it on so he wouldn't have time to get me to change my mind.
 As I knew (more like hoped) he would, Tate fell asleep in the chair next to his sister.
 So that I could use the chair as much as I wanted without interruption (or at least technical interruptions) I upgraded the massage chair.

 Since I had a challenge father to meet in the afternoon the next day, I quickly made dinner and hopped into bed.
 In the morning, Anna-Leigh invited me out to the cafe' way up in the hills. Doesn't she look smokin'?
As I ate, I realized that I needed to get to that dang challenge father's house before he changed his mind. So, after eating, I left Anna to herself and headed out!
The next father's name was Maui Moe. He's... okay looking... right?
 I got to work on my next painting after trying with the next father. I think it's pretty good so far. It's a bird's eye view of Sunset Valley!
 When I came upstairs, I realized that the babysitter I had hired when I went to meet Maui had completely messed up my house. So, I got to work on cleaning up their mess.
 Suddenly I felt very sick. Every time I got pregnant the sickness would get worse. This time around I felt like someone had stabbed me a billion times with a really sharp stick and then poured lemon juice all over my open wound. Okay, so, maybe it doesn't feel like that, but you get the idea...
 Like, this one was bad.
 My head was almost in the toilet because, well, you get the idea, again...
I decided I need to go to the hospital. This wasn't a sickness from pregnancy. This was something bad. Really, really bad.
When I got there my dad look at me and smiled. I knew that smile was fake because he knew something was wrong with me.
After I got many tests done, I noticed I had a voice mail from Cassie.
Paisley! I need to talk to you! It's important! Get over to my house the second you get this! 
She sounded so distressed. I had never heard her sound so freaked out.
I listened to it over and over again, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong.
When I got there I rang the doorbell, expecting the worst.
She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I could tell she was almost crying.
I was so worried. Was mom dead? Was Chase okay? What was going on?
I pulled out from the hug and whispered in her ear. "Cassie, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is someone hurt?" I asked, about to cry.
"Actually, Paisley... I got married." 

Okay, so I know this blog's writing kind of sucks, so to make it better I've decided I'm going to change the way I write the posts. From now on hopefully the writing will be okay. I've noticed I'm better at writing if I write the post first and then take the pictures. It's definitely harder, but it comes out better. 


  1. Ooh, I can't wait for the next part!!!! Cassie got married?!?!?!

    I love all the blue-ness that Calista is getting showered with. She's super cute! I forgot to mention in the last post, thanks for naming her after Calista. ^_^

    ~Calista Smith

    PS: Your writing does NOT suck. :)


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